Friday, March 12, 2010


The technology i cannot live without is the play station portable(psp)as it has many uses such as using the internet.The psp is also used to listen to music and to watch videos.There are many variety of games you can play in the psp which are fun.The psp also has a feature where we can listen to the radio using the internet.The psp can allow people to play multiplayer for certain games.I like the psp as it can allow you to apply for Skype.Skype allows a person to call another person.The colour of the psp i have is red.I like that colour as it makes the psp look vibrant.I also like my psp very much for another reason and the reason that my psp is full modified which means that the psp can allow to play all types of games which non-modified psps cannot play.My Psp is a slim vesion so it is easier to carry around.My favourite game in the psp is Fifa 10.I like the game because the graphics of the game is very good.this is all i have to tell you about the technology i cannot live without.

`In the news`

I think that it is right that Singtel should get the rights to broadcast the 2014 English Premier League as if we buy the set-up box from singtel it is much more cheaper than in Starhub.My opinion is that Singtel should also broadcast the Fifa World Cup 2010.Starhub is often known selling the set-up boxes at a very high price.Singtel is not so famous but they are clever as they are trying tp win over Starhub by selling their set-up boxes for a cheaper price and i would say that it is a good skill to improve their business.More people prefer Singtel to Starhub nowadays.Though Starhub sells many different types of set-up boxes the prices are very high as i said.Lets take the i-phone for example through Starhub it is sold at about five hundred dollars but through Singtel it is sold at only three hundred dollars.So i think that Starhub should sell their set-up boxes at cheaper prices so that they might get the rights to broadcast the 2014 English Primier League.